• A day at the Biennale

    If you were to spend a day at the Kochi Biennale, here’s what your itinerary might look like:

    9:00 AM: Arrive at the main venue, Aspinwall House, located on the picturesque Fort Kochi Beach. Start your day by taking in the beautiful surroundings and the architectural beauty of the venue.

    10:00 AM: Take a guided tour of the main exhibitions. You’ll be able to see works by contemporary artists from India and around the world, including paintings, sculptures, installations, and more.

    12:00 PM: Take a break for lunch at one of the food stalls set up at the biennale. You’ll be able to sample a variety of local and international cuisine.

    1:00 PM: Attend a performance or workshop. The Kochi Biennale often features performances and workshops by artists, giving you the opportunity to see their work in action and learn about their creative process.

    3:00 PM: Visit one of the satellite exhibitions. These exhibitions are held in various locations around Kochi, showcasing works by artists who may not have been able to participate in the main biennale.

    5:00 PM: Take a walk through the streets of Fort Kochi. This historic area is famous for its colonial architecture, and you’ll be able to see some of the best examples of this style of architecture as you explore the area.

    7:00 PM: Attend a talk or lecture by an artist or art critic. These events give you the opportunity to learn more about the artists and their works, as well as to engage in a deeper conversation about contemporary art.

    9:00 PM: End your day with dinner at a local restaurant. You can continue your conversation about the art you’ve seen during the day, and perhaps make plans to return to the Kochi Biennale in the future.

    Overall, a day at the Kochi Biennale is sure to be a memorable and enriching experience. Whether you’re an art lover or simply looking for a unique cultural experience, this event is not to be missed.