• International Yoga Day


    Yoga is a spiritual ascetic disciple, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practised for health and relaxation. Yoga is an ancient practice from India, which teaches man the art and power to control his thoughts, actions and feelings using the power of the mind. Yoga helps you to calm your mind and heart when you are suffering from stress and anxiety. Yoga is the practice for a healthy body, mind, soul and heart. Every year international yoga day is celebrated on 21st June. This year the United Nations has the announced theme as “Climate Action” and national theme as “ Yoga for Heart”

    To celebrate this international yoga day Niko Hotels is offering special yoga class on Sunday, 23rd June 2019 at the rooftop, Niko Hotels. Famous yoga instructor Shri. Rajeev M.P will be conducting the class.

    More details visit : Special Yoga Classes